DesignRail Modern Kits
Looking for a quick solution with a more open view? Pick DesignRail® Modern for extra options! Rail Kits for 36-inch railings span 6 feet with one intermediate picket or 8 feet with 2 pickets; 42-inch Rail Kits span 6 feet. Series 250 Top Rail meets graspable handrail building code requirements for residential stairs. Optional Drink Rail Adapter and LED Top Rail Lighting. Base-mounted posts are predrilled for CableRail infill with no bottom rail. DesignRail® pre-engineered posts and rails are crafted from high strength 6000-series aluminum extrusions with powder-coated finishes. Components are cut and assembled on site with stainless steel fasteners.
Design Rail Brochure
F_DesignRail_Brochure-LR.pdf (11.97 MB)